Saturday, January 31, 2009


Here's what's going on. I've had a bit of trouble with the plot, the predesigned plot isn't long enough to cover one 200 page book.

1: Combine Book 1 and Book 2 to create a two part book.
2: Elaborate on the conflict between the Society and the Reclaimers.
3: Add a new plot twist.
4: More fluff?

Whatever. Thanks a bunch for all the editors / readers. You know who you are.
~Ryan out.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Book Summary

Indebted power is the exciting story of when a fourteen year old boy learns that he has the capability to become a super hero. And you guessed it, to save the world from evil abroad. He embarks on an adventure with a good intending genetically superior society fighting for the balance of the world, to stop a scourge of ones who have tried to use their abilities to take it over for as long as man has been around. With his ever enduring friend, Clare, they set off on a witty adventure that brings suspense and thrill in the chase of an even bigger plot.